Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mesothelioma - Most Commonly Asked Questions

Mesothelioma is an uncommon cancer that affects primarily the mesothelium which is a protective sac covering most of the body's internal organs. Exposure to asbestos particles at the place of work has been strongly linked to the development of mesothelioma in most of the victims.

Some of the most frequently asked questions on mesothelioma are:

1- Is there any ongoing research to discover new treatments for mesothelioma?

Yes, there are new treatments that are being studied. The National Cancer Institute {NCI} is sponsoring clinical trials {research with people} which are designed to find new modes of treatment and also to discover better ways of using currently used treatments.

Most of these treatments are still undergoing clinical trials by doctors to find out whether the treatments are safe for patients and whether they are effective against the disease before they can be recommended for general use.

Mesothelioma victims can offer themselves for participation in these clinical trials as a treatment option. Information about clinical trials is available from the Cancer Information Service{CIS} at 1-800-4-Cancer.

2- How can Mesothelioma be treated?

The treatment of mesothelioma depends on, the location of the cancer,stage of the disease, and patients age and general health.

Treatment options include

a} Chemotherapy, 
b} Radiotherapy, 
c} Surgery.

These forms of treatment are sometimes combined.

- Chemotherapy: This involves the use of anticancer drugs to selectively destroy and kill the cancer cells in the body. Most of the anticancer drugs are administered intravenously. Ongoing research into possibility of direct administration of anticancer drugs into the chest or abdomen is currently being studied.

- Radiotherapy: This involves the use of high energy rays {radiation} to kill the cancer cells and debulk {shrink} tumors. The radiation is directed only at the affected area of the body to kill the cancer cells.

Radiation can be from an external machine placed outside the body {external radiation},or it could be form an internal source where the material releasing the radiation is placed inside the area of the body affected by cancer cells. It is placed with the use of thin plastic tubes.

- Surgery: This is a very common mode of treatment in treating mesothelioma. The surgeon may remove part of the lining of the chest and abdomen and some of the surrounding tissue. Sometimes an operation called pneumonectomy is done during which a whole lung is removed. Other forms of surgery involves the removal of part of the diaphragm, this is the muscular sheet separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.

For more important questions on mesothelioma,you can visit our website.

Bello Kamorudeen is an health worker and he likes to write health related articles.To know more about the commonly asked questions in mesothelioma, visit http://www.mesotheliomacorner.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bello_Kamorudeen

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Mesothelioma Alternative Therapy - What Are Your Options?

Quite a number of patients afflicted with asbestos related diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma now-a days use different types of complimentary and alternative therapies in addition to conventional therapies like surgery and drugs. 
These alternative therapies are used by patients coping with asbestos related disease as a form of pain management, to improve general health, and also to provide symptomatic relief.

Although these treatments do not offer a cure, they certainly help you to live more comfortable lives by providing relief from pain and stress.

The most commonly used alternative therapies include the following:

This is one of the commonest forms of available alternative therapies today, and there are a lot of insurance companies offering coverage for this type of treatment. Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into pressure points at clearly defined locations in the skin to improve the balance and flow of factors called the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood in traditional Chinese medicine. 
This form of treatment provides relief from chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety and stress and it is one of the most commonly used alternative medicines in the treatment of asbestos related diseases.

This form of alternative therapy involves the use of fragrances to improve physical and psychological well being. The fragrances are applied in liquids called essential oils, which are distilled and highly concentrated plant based oils. Aromatherapists use these fragrances combined in the oils to provide pain relief and to improve the general well being of the patient. 
Aromatherapy is often combined with massage , you receive a massage with carrier oils that have been mixed with small amounts of essential oil fragrances.

Massage therapy has been shown to provide a number of important health benefits. It improves blood and lymphatic flow and it is used to improve blood circulation. It also improves muscle tension. 
Massage also stimulates nervous and digestive systems, relieve chronic pain and improve skin function. Many patients find this type of therapy useful in reducing anxiety and stress as well as reducing chronic pain.

Meditation is a well known way of relieving stress, anxiety and depression. Meditation is now also used to manage pain and other symptoms of diseases. Many cancer patients add meditation to their treatment schedules to help to reduce pain, stress and anxiety. Certain studies have shown that meditation may be able to reduce tumor growth and improve your prognosis.

5} Supplements 
Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are all needed by the body to carry out essential life functions, and supplements can help provide necessary chemicals when diet alone cannot. Many herbs can help treat diseases and conditions, as well as provide symptomatic relief. For example, flaxseed, ginseng, and garlic are all known to reduce blood pressure. 
When it comes to supplements, it's very important to let your physician know the kind of supplements you are taking, as they can affect how well your prescription medications work. Some supplements can even have dangerous interactive effects when taken in conjunction with certain prescription medications.

6} TENS Therapy 
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation - commonly known as TENS therapy - is somewhat similar to acupuncture, in that this treatment stimulates certain defined body locations. However, while acupuncture uses fine needles, TENS therapy stimulates body points with the use of electrodes that deliver very mild electrical shocks. 
Unlike many other types of complementary and alternative therapy, TENS has actually been approved by the FDA. While this doesn't automatically mean that TENS can provide a cure when it is used, it does mean that the treatment has been determined to be safe according to FDA regulations, and also means that TENS therapy is covered by insurance.

7} Yoga 
The origins of yoga lie in India, where this ancient art is practiced more for spiritual reasons than for health-related reasons. Outside of India, yoga has become a popular form of exercise that is physically and psychologically calming and strengthening. Learning simple yoga techniques can help improve general health by toning and strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and improving general health and one's state of mind.

8} Pet Therapy 
Also known as animal-assisted therapy or animal-assisted activities, this type of therapy aims to improve the general health and well-being of patients by allowing them to interact with a variety of animals. The wonderful effects of animal interaction has long been known - the simple act of stroking a cat or dog can improve the mood, lift the spirits, and even provide some physical benefits (such as the temporary lowering of blood pressure). Pet therapy techniques can be used for a wide variety of medical conditions. For example, a physical therapist working with a person recovering from a stroke might bring a dog to a therapy session and have the patient brush the dog to help improve their motor skills.

Bello Kamorudeen is an health worker and author of several mesothelioma articles. For more comprehensive information on mesothelioma visit http://www.mesotheliomacorner.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bello_Kamorudeen

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